Hope and Resilience: The Opportunity Democrat

I found out I was an opportunity democrat. I figured; I was not a liberal, yet I believe the government should be involved with its citizens and provide assistance to those in need. The government does not owe people everything. Nothing comes truly free. People who want to get to the top; filled with wealth and riches -- should put the effort in it. There is a saying, "There is no such thing as free lunch."

I believe hard work truly pays off. An example is getting paid for working. Would you feel less motivated if your job had a lower or no salary at all? Laziness does not provide a pathway for anyone. Imagine this; a person who does nothing all day or does not have the determination imagines they will get what they want but doesn't take action. Rewards like a big stash of money are not handed to you on a gold platter. Through hard work and determination, you are strong-willed to get what you want, therefore you are more likely to have guaranteed success instead of being pessimistic and be convinced with every chance of failure.

Without immigrants, there would be no diversity in our country. There would be no one to do the jobs that are laborious -- farmers; janitors; waiters. Adding on, immigrants are hard workers and want their children to do better than them. If everyone wanted to be a CEO, who will be the people under them to do the paperwork? Regarding issues, Conservatives believe in individualism and the promotion of free-will; however, laws created by Republicans do not benefit citizens.

Core Conservatives believe in traditional-oriented values. They do not want the government to be involved. Private businesses and the trade market should be operated by the people, for the people. On the other hand, Opportunity Democrats aren't exactly liberal; they believe hard-work pays off and the values of a Democrat. For example, they believe in new ideas such as improving technology. Democrats believe in the right that regardless of their own gender, people have the right to marry same-sex gender.

Women deserve better. Still today, there are significant obstacles that hinder women from getting ahead than men. However, Core Conservatives strongly believe this is not true; the obstacles blocking women to get ahead were abolished a long time ago. Based on Conservative's beliefs on social policies, this was no surprise; Conservatives favor traditional American values and put an emphasis on gender roles. The nation is constantly evolving every day. Tracing old roots dating back to traditional values which has a history of sexism and misogyny is not the way to progress and acquire new information.

A similarity Core Conservatives and Opportunity Democrats have are we both believe in the future of the next generation having a better life today. Even though from these perspectives we both believe in the same concepts. From an Opportunity Democrat's point of view, hard work is most likely to guarantee success. From a Core Conservatives point of view, they highly believe in the American Dream.

The results from the initiatives were divided. Social laws such as Initiative 940 (enforcing police officers to have proper training), Initiative 1639 (Implements gun ownership requirements) leaned towards liberal and were approved. The reason why these Initiatives are approved is that liberals support government funding and upright city regulations. Initiative 1631 establishing carbon fee and Initiative 1634 prohibiting the government from enacting taxes on groceries were declined. These initiatives relating to economics lean towards Conservatives because they want less government involvement and regulation on businesses.

My family has influenced my political beliefs. My cultural background was a huge factor on my self-identity growing up. Ironically, I watched a lot of Fox News so I saw mostly Republican's point of view. I used to watch a lot of news on the TV as a kid so I was aware of what was going on; and was able to distinguish journaling bias as I got older.


  1. Girl this is great. One thing strong here is your ability to compare and contrast to a different political group than yours. one way you could make it even stronger is to add visuals to prove your point.


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