Shaping Democracy: Political Parties

Political parties represent the embodiment of America's voting system and help shape citizens' ideas and interests in making the country a better place. The most popular political parties are Democrats and Republicans. When voting, people declare what political party they are in. There are no fees needed unlike in Europe or a special invitation to be part of a political party. Candidates from each political party will run for office. Political parties want to have their candidates nominated for office and to get many of them elected. The more people representing their political party in office, the more effective they will be in passing laws and agendas.

Democrats tend to lean on the left-wing Liberal side, while Republicans lean on the right-wing Conservative side. Republicans heavily emphasize on restoring the American Dream back to its former glory. On the other hand, Democrats believe in government regulation and involvement in businesses, estates. What makes these political parties unique are that they are separated by their political views on several types of government policies such as economic and social.

Democratic mascot: donkey (on the left), Republican mascot: elephant (on the right).
When it comes to the economy, Democrats are better suited for this situation. Since they believe in more government involvement and regulation, having an economy where the rich can't get "too rich", the government would benefit in helping out the middle and lower class. Republicans believe in getting rid of the current tax rate and propose a flat tax rate for everyone. However, this brings heavy exploitation because the higher-income class can use it for their benefit thus making more profit while the middle and lower class struggle to pay or maintain a salary to pay for the flat tax rate.
In reality, Democrats truly represent the American Dream because no one is left behind in the process. Reducing income inequality creates a superficial economic growth.

On the United States Congress Joint Economic Committee website, Senator Martin Heinrich gives a primary data chart of the economy under Democratic Presidents, as opposed to Republicans. It can be seen in the chart that Democrats promote economic growth during their presidential term. While political parties state their opinions and how they will act, the results from the chart show how effective their political movement has produced and how it impacted the economy. According to the graph, above, the average GDP under Democratic presidents has grown by 3.9% compared to Republican presidents growth by 2.5%.

From, these 2 graphs show the economic demographics of Democrats and Republicans. From the Democrats graph, 63% of individuals have an income status under $15,000 and 36% have an income of over $200,000. On the other hand, people who identify with the Republican party; 36% of people have an income under $15,000 while 63% of people have an income over $200,000. This clearly shows that there is an income gap between Democrats and Republican voters. Therefore, Republicans' idea of proposing a flat tax rate will not benefit everyone.
